Exploring Spring: Rocksbox Wedding

Yesterday was my cousin Frank’s wedding at the Bel Air Bay Club in the Pacific Palisades. My running has taken me past this spot many times but this was my first time at the actual venue and it was beautiful. It was the perfect place to celebrate with him and his (now) wife Lauren on their special day, and the sunset was to die for. It's such a wonderful time when you get to reunite with your extended family, and the open bar never hurts either ;) It also helped that I had some sweet bling to rock thanks to Rocksbox!

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/192820742" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]


Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox RocksboxRocksbox
As I mentioned in the last post, I was recently invited to join the Rocksbox influencer community! Rocksbox is a membership-based jewelry styling service. As a Shine Insider member you pay a flat rate of only $19 per month to get access to a personalized rotating closet of designer jewelry, sent in sets of three at a time.
Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox
A few things to know:
  • Rocksbox Sets are curated for you based on your style profile
  • You can keep and wear your Rocksbox pieces for as long as you like
  • You can return your set anytime, as often as you like, and they’ll send out a new set of three right away
  • If you love a piece, you can keep it when you return the box and you’ll be billed at the Insiders’ Price shown on the packing list
  • For more info about the perks of being a Shine Insider, check out their FAQs
Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox
If you’re like me and horrible at accessorizing your outfits, this is a really awesome way to solve that. I’m really excited to be an #RBItGirl and want to give you all the chance to give it a try too. If you use my promo code, elleluxoxo you’ll get the first month free to try out their services. What do you have to lose? If you have any questions don’t hesitate to connect!
 Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox Rocksbox
xo elle